Of laying concrete black in the garage. It is a common practice for professional contractors to do the work, and the outcomes are durable, long-lasting, and look great. It is possible for any homeowner to do this, but with similar outcomes. The big question is how do you lay concrete for a garage or in any other space of the house. The following is the checklist of steps that will allow black concrete to be simple and reliable to set.
The first step is to make sure that the surface is prepared for where you’ll be laying the black concrete by scratching away all of the current finish and caulk. Typically, homeowners will scrape away the old finish, caulkand mortar as well as varnish, paint and other substances that may be under the area. Following the scraping, homeowners can make use of a pneumatic power tool to remove all loose material and debris underneath the concrete.
Next comes the first pouring of black concrete. The most challenging part is pouring the concrete due to the fact that the concrete does not have time to set yet, therefore you must work quick to be sure that the concrete doesn’t break or crack as it is set.
After that, let the concrete dry and cure prior to beginning with the second one. First pours can be left out in open air, or you can put it inside a garage with fans in order to in speeding up curing. It is possible to set the second pour following curing.
This is the most important step. If you are looking for an even color, then apply the sealer over the entire surface. Additionally, you can apply different colors over the surface by adding colored cement.