Many people desire a beautiful smile. This is the reason why many adults turn to adult orthodontics to correct the misaligned teeth of their patients. The most common problem that adults face is trying to solve issues related to overbite. Overbite occurs when the upper teeth extend past the bottom teeth, creating an appearance where the teeth in the front are pushed out farther than the lower. The condition can lead to serious difficulties when eating becomes difficult. Most adults who are looking for adult teeth straightening initially are hesitant, when they discover that there are clinics for orthodontics offering orthodontic treatments to adults, it becomes simples to get started. The severity of the damage to the teeth , as well as the age of the patient will dictate what braces are needed to correct the issue of an overbite. What most methods work is by attaching a bracket or rubber band to the lower teeth, you can drag the lower teeth forward to be in line with the upper teeth and also help people who have weak chins. 9wwxzef3gc.